Adventist Youth Society
The primary focus of the Adventist Youth Society is the salvation of youth through Jesus Christ. This ministry works to: 1) lead youth to understand their individual worth and to discover and develop their spiritual gifts and abilities, 2) equip and empower youth for a life of service with God's church and the community, and 3) ensure the integration of youth into all aspects of church life and leadership in order that they may be full participants in the mission of the church. Meetings, church-wide youth days, recreational outings, community outreach projects, musical programs, and other events are used to accomplish these objectives.

This public relations ministry uses contemporary communication techniques, sustainable technologies, and media in the promulgation of the everlasting gospel. Communication within the church and to the broader community is accomplished through this website.     

Family Life
Family Life is a ministry of grace, acknowledging that the family was established by divine creation as the fundamental human institution. This ministry focuses on people in relationship. It is concerned with the needs of married couples, parents and children, singles, and all members of the wider family as they pass through life's predictable stages and contends with unexpected changes in their lives.

Health Ministries
Maranatha Church has the responsibility of helping people obtain optimal levels of physical, mental and spiritual health. In addition to ministering to those who are ill, this responsibility extends to the prevention of disease through effective health education and leadership in promoting optimum health.

The Adventurers Club serves children age 6-9.  The purpose of the program is to support parents and care-givers in leading and encouraging their children in a growing, joyful love relationship with Jesus Christ. It offers an instructional curriculum, family enrichment, supplementary resources, and volunteer training from within the Seventh-day Adventist philosophy. The Adventurer program works to fulfill the gospel commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and depends on the support of a congregation strong in mission and empowered by the Holy Spirit.


Personal Ministries
The Personal Ministries Department provides resources and trains church members to unite their efforts with the pastors and church officers in the final proclamation of the gospel of salvation in Christ. The aim of the department is to enlist every member in active soul-winning service for God. Through seminars, meetings, special classes and other organized activities, the Philadelphia Personal Ministries Department endeavors to prepare members for this important ministry.

Sabbath School
The Sabbath School is the primary religious education system of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and has four purposes: study of the Scripture, fellowship, community outreach, and world global mission emphasis. Every one, whether a member of the church or not, is welcome to be a member of a Sabbath School class which begins @9:15am. These classes meet weekly study God's Word with the help of age-appropriate Bible study guides. In addition, class members conduct various outreach programs and provide assistance for each other during times of need. The annual Sabbath School picnic provides an opportunity for interactive fellowship.

The Stewardship program helps members become effective managers of God-given resources and assists in the implementation of God's plan of systematic benevolence. Since stewardship responsibility includes the proper management of the entire life, seminars, economic summits, workshops and other methods are used to encourage the proper care and use of the body temple, time, abilities, and material possessions.

Women's Ministries
Women's Ministries seeks to foster spiritual growth and renewal among women, minister to the broad spectrum of women's needs across the life span, and find ways and means to challenge each Seventh-day Adventist woman to use her gifts to complement the talent of others as they work to further the global mission of the church. Maranatha strives to accomplish these objectives through the efforts of a Women's Ministries Committee, which works closely with the pastor and the church board to plan, promote and execute appropriate programs, projects and events.